Tom McLeod, Owner

Tom McLeod, Owner

Consulting Services

Get a personal consultation to help set up and calibrate your pavement marking equipment to optimize your rigs to peak performance with your Bead Shield®. Tom will help you fine tune your striping equipment to get the best coverage while saving on materials.

If you’re having issues laying down paint, we’ve been there and we can help you smooth it all out. Purchase an hour of time and Our Master Striper will reach out to have a meeting with your team to get your rigs set-up right!


In Person Consultation

Schedule an in person consultation with Tom. He will fly out to meet you and teach you how to optimize the Bead Shield™ with your equipment.

Call for more information and pricing. 970-593-6789

Phone Consultation

Schedule a phone call or video chat with Tom to discuss setup and troubleshoot any issues to make sure you are striping at peak performance.

Call to set up an appointment and for pricing. 970-593-6789